Post by Lori Blake on May 11, 2020 6:11:07 GMT -5
HOF Brightleaf Buck Boone^
2017 Black Leopard Miniature Colt
Sire: HOF Bryerleigh's Bubba Boone^^ (Orions Saddlyte Blues *Grosshills Boogermans Fine Line x Lucky Four Starlett* x LKF Baby Boone *Fallen Ash Scouts Twinkle Toes x LKF Baby Face*)
Dam: HOF Peppermint's Follow the Rules (Peppermints Breakin The Rules *Brewers Orion Fantastic x Fishers Painted Athena* x Peppermints Smooth Move *Fallen Ash Scouts Spellbound x Log Cabin Farms Showgirl*)
retired from fine harness
HF Points 10,105
HFPA Points 1260
Brightleaf Fats Domino-2022 Black Leopard Miniature colt out of HOF DSF Stonehenge Kitten^
Eagle Manor Mystic Wolf Moon - 2021 dark bay Leopard Miniature colt of out Eagle Manor Mystical Monarch (owned by Shan)
ET's November Anything and Everything Show
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten VSE under harness open
top ten leopard
Eagle Mountain Fall Miniature Horse Series III
Champion youngstock colts/geldings
champion junior country pleasure driving
champion junior stallion liberty
reserve champion three and younger multi-colored colts
ET's October Rare Breed Celebration
Champion VSE under harness open
Champion leopard
ET's October Pony Appreciation
Champion leopard
Champion novice driven dressage
Champion three year old fine harness
Champion novice obstacle driving
champion three year old pleasure driving
reserve champion lunge line 2017-2016
reserve champion most colorful spotted
top ten colts of 2017
top ten liberty colts of 2017
top ten best movement 2017-2016
top ten open harness prospect
Eagle Manor Fall Miniature Horse Series II
Supreme Halter Champion
Champion youngstock stallions/geldings
Champion youngstock stallions/geldings
Champion open costume
Champion three and older multi-colored colts
Champion country pleasure driving
Falling Leaves Open Show
top ten colts
top ten VSE Driving open
October Limit Show
reserve champion light horse pairs
Chill in the Air Pony Show
Champion green roadster pony
reserve champion green pleasure driving
reserve champion in-hand costume
top ten two and three year olds
ET's October Anything and Everything Show
Reserve champion VSE under harness open
top ten most colorful in hand spotted
top ten open harness prospect
top ten leopard
ET's September VSE Extravaganza
Champion novice driven dressage
champion three year old fine harness
reserve champion novice obstacle driving
Reserve champion colts of 2017
reserve champion three year old pleasure driving
Reserve champion liberty colts of 2017
reserve champion lunge line 2017-2016
top ten park harness prospect
top ten fine harness prospect
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten best movement 2017-2016
top ten leopard
September Pony Appreciation
Champion three year old fine harness
Champion most colorful spotted
Champion novice driven dressage
reserve champion three year old pleasure driving
reserve champion leopard
reserve champion colts of 2017
reserve champion liberty colts of 2017
top ten best movement 2017-2016
top ten lunge line 2017-2016
top ten novice obstacle driving
top ten open harness prospect
ET's September Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion leopard
top ten VSE under harness open
Blue Skies Pony Show
reserve champion green fine harness
reserve champion green pleasure driving
top ten colts
top ten in-hand costume
HFPA September Regional
top ten Acclaimed pony open
top ten two to nine year old miniature horses
top ten junior pleasure driving
top ten liberty
HFPA Paris
top ten miniature horse youngstock pony
ET's September Anything and Everything Show
Champion VSE under harness open
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten open harness prospect
top ten leopard
HFPA August Regional
Champion junior pleasure driving
Champion junior country pleasure driving
Labor Day Mega-Show
Champion roadster pony junior
champion pony fine harness junior
top ten three year old colts
top ten Miniature
top ten leopard
top ten fine harness prospect
Hot Summer Nights Open Show
top ten VSE driving open
HFPA at Luxembourg
top ten miniature horse youngstock
ET's August Pony Appreciation
saddleseat/saddleseat driving division champion
champion liberty colts of 2017
champion leopard
champion three year old pleasure driving
champion three year old fine harness
champion novice driven dressage
top ten novice obstacle driving
top ten colts of 2017
top ten open harness prospect
top ten leopard
Eagle Mountain Miniature Horse Series Championships
Supreme Halter Reserve champion
Champion youngstock colts/geldings
champion junior roadster
champion junior multicolored stallions
Champion junior stallion liberty
Champion junior costume class
champion junior singles pleasure driving
champion junior country pleasure driving
qualified three year old colts
Back to School, Maybe Mega-Show
champion leopard
Champion roadster pony junior
reserve champion pony fine harness junior
reserve champion miniature horse
top ten fine harness prospect
Eagle Mountain Miniature Horse Series V
champion youngstock colts/geldings
champion junior single pleasure driving
champion junior multi-colored stallions
champion junior costume class
reserve champion junior roadster
reserve champion junior country pleasure driving
reserve champion junior stallion liberty
qualified three year old colts/geldings
August Limit Show
top ten other pony
top ten colts
Sunny Days Pony Show
champion colts
champion green fine harness
reserve champion green roadster driving
top ten in-hand costume
ET's July VSE Bonanza
champion lunge line 2017-2016
champion fine harness prospect
Champion three year old fine harness
Champion novice obstacle driving
reserve champion novice driven dressage
reserve champion liberty colts of 2017
reserve champion three year old pleasure driving
reserve champion best movement 2017-2016
Reserve champion colts of 2017
top ten park harness
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten leopard
ET's July Pony Appreciation
open harness division reserve
champion novice obstacle driving
champion open harness prospect
champion three year old pleasure driving
Champion colts of 2017
Reserve champion novice driven dressage
top ten liberty colts of 2017
top ten lunge line 2017-2016
top ten leopard
top ten four to six year old fine harness
HFPA July Regional
reserve champion junior country pleasure driving
Eagle Mountain Miniature Horse Show IV
champion junior costume class
champion junior country pleasure driving
reserve champion junior stallion liberty
reserve champion junior singles pleasure driving
reserve champion junior multi-colored stallions
reserve champion youngstock colts/geldings
top ten junior roadster
qualified three year old colts
Mid-Summer Open Show
top ten VSE Driving open
Eagle Mountain Miniature Horse Show III
Champion youngstock colts/geldings
champion junior singles pleasure driving
champion junior costume class
reserve champion junior stallions at liberty
reserve champion junior roadster
reserve champion junior multi-colored stallions
reserve champion junior country pleasure driving
qualified three year old colts/geldings
Rising Phoenix Super Halter Show #4
reserve champion fine harness prospect
top ten miniature horses
top ten 10hh and under
HFDS July Watermelon Cup
reserve champion VSE youngstock
Eagle Mountain Miniature Horse Series II
champion junior costume class
champion junior multi colored stallions
champion junior roadster
top ten junior singles obstacle driving
ET's Fifth Anniversary Show
top ten leopard
Fireworks Driving Show
champion pleasure pony reinsmanship
top ten other pony
top ten pleasure pony pleasure driving
top ten pleasure pony turnout
Summer Heat Pony Show
Champion green roadster pony
Champion green fine harness
top ten two and three year olds
top ten colts
top ten Falabella and Miniature
top ten in-hand costume
Eagle Mountain Miniature Horse Series #1
Champion youngstock colts/geldings
champion junior singles pleasure driving
champion junior country pleasure driving
Champion junior horse costume class
reserve champion junior stallions at liberty
Reserve champion junior roadster
reserve champion junior multicolor stallios
qualified three year old colts
Independence Mega Show
reserve champion pony fine harness junior
top ten Miniature
top ten fine harness prospect
top ten pony roadster junior
ET's June Rare Breed Exhibition
Reserve champion most colorful spotted
Reserve champion leopard
ET's June VSE Bonanza
prospect in-hand division reserve
Champion colts of 2017
Champion liberty colts of 2017
Champion three year old pleasure driving
Champion novice driven dressage
Champion park harness prospect
Champion novice obstacle driving
Champion three year old fine harness
Reserve champion novice driven dressage
reserve champion novice obstacle driving
Reserve champion lunge line 2017-2016
Reserve champion best movement 2017-2016
top ten fine harness prospect
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten leopard
HFPA at Hong Kong
champion miniature horse youngstock
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
top ten leopard
Champion junior pleasure driving
reserve champion junior country pleasure driving
top ten two to nine year old miniature horses
top ten liberty
Early Summer Open Show
Champion beginner novice/novice driven dressage
Reserve champion VSE driving open
top ten beginner novice/novice obstacle driving
Flag Day Driving Show
Champion pleasure pony pairs
top ten other pony
top ten pleasure pony pleasure driving
top ten pleasure pony obstacle driving
top ten pleasure pony obstacle driving pick your route
top ten pleasure pony reinsmanship
June Limit Show
reserve champion other pony
top ten three year olds
ET's May Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion stallions of 2006
Summer's Coming Pony Show
Champion two and three year olds
Champion colts
Champion green roadster pony
Reserve champion green fine harness
top ten in-hand costume