Post by Lori Blake on Jun 18, 2020 7:00:37 GMT -5
HOF PR African Rhythm++
2009 Grey (bay based) Straight Egyptian Arabian stallion
Sire: PR Get Rhythm (PR Alliance *PR Mad Season X African Sunset WMA* X Zephyr's Balleryna *Gassur Zameel ZQ X WA Gift of the Wing*)
Dam: African Sunset WMA (Imperial Sunset *Imperial Baarez X Imperial Phandalah* X AAR African Star *African Coca-Cola X Star Dust*)
HF Points 10,236
AHA Points 602
English pleasure
Bred by Candice of Peppermint Ranch, Purchased from Odeon in June 2020, former Committee horse
Saadat Un Nisa RPF-2019 Grey Straight Egyptian Arabian filly out of HOF Nawe Sin Banaar+++
AHA Salon du Cheval
top ten eleven and twelve year old stallions
AHA Aachen Stallion Show
Champion senior native costume
top ten SEA eleven and up stallions
top ten most classic head senior stallions
senior stallion parade
AHA Egyptian Nationals
top ten SEA eleven and up stallions
ET's November Anything and Everything Show
Champion grey with bay base
Champion eleven to fifteen year old native costume
Champion stallions of 2009
reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
reserve champion liberty stallions of 2009
top ten Egyptian Arabian
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
AHA Emerald Egyptian Event
top ten SEA eleven and up stallions
Halloween Mega Show
top ten twelve and thirteen year old stallions
top ten Arabian lunge
top ten park open
top ten park harness open
top ten formal combination open
AHA US Nationals
Champion roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle anateur
AHA Egyptian Event Europe
top ten SEA eleven and up stallions
October Limit Show
top ten eleven to thirteen year olds
ET's October Anything and Everything Show
Champion stallions of 2009
Champion liberty stallions of 2009
reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old native costume
top ten Egyptian Arabian
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
top ten grey with bay base
AHA Region Seven
champion ladies English sidesaddle amateur
Champion roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
RSF September Age Appropriate In hand Show
top ten Egyptian Arabian in hand
top ten Egyptian Arabian lunge line
top ten Egyptian Arabian liberty
Summers End Mega Show
Champion park harness open
top ten park open
top ten twelve and thirteen year old stallions
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten formal combination open
ET's September Anything and Everything Show
Champion eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
Champion eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
reserve champion grey with bay base
top ten stallions of 2009
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten Egyptian Arabian
top ten eleven to fifteen year old native costume
AHA Egyptian Classic Cup
top ten SEA eleven and up stallions
Back to School Mega-Show
reserve champion twelve and thirteen year old stallions
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten park open
top ten park harness open
top ten formal combination open
ET's August Anything and Everything Show
Champion Straight Egyptian Arabian
Champion eleven to fifteen year old native costume
Champion grey with bay base
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
Eagle Talon's Sixth Anniversary Show
Champion eleven to fifteen year old native costume A
Champion grey with bay base A
Reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old native costume B
Champion eleven to fifteen year old park saddle B
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle A
top ten stallions of 2009 B
top ten liberty stallions of 2009 A
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian A
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian B
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle A
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle B
top ten grey with bay base B
AHA Emerald Cup
top ten SEA eleven and up mares
HFDS June Driving Show
top ten Arabian park driving senior
August Limit Show
reserve champion native costume
top ten English show hack
top ten ladies English sidesaddle
AHA Canadian Nationals
reserve champion roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle amateur
AHA Region 6
Champion ladies English sidesaddle amateur
top ten roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
Independence Mega Show
top ten twelve and thirteen year old stallions
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabians
top ten dapple grey
top ten park harness open
top ten park open
top ten formal combination open
AHA LUX Arabian Show
reserve champion SEA eleven and up stallions
July Limit Show
top ten ladies English sidesaddle
top ten English show hack
top ten native costume
AHA Blommerod International Show
top ten eleven to twelve year old stallions
Summer Committee Horse Show
Champion park pleasure
top ten fine harness
AHA Region 5
Champion English show hack amateur
reserve champion roadster amateur
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
Champion stallions of 2009
top ten Egyptian Arabian
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old native costume
top ten grey with bay base
Flag Day Mega Show
Champion Straight Egyptian Arabian
reserve champion park open
reserve champion twelve and thirteen year old mares
top ten dapple grey
top ten formal combination open
June Limit Show
reserve champion ladies English sidesaddle
top ten English show hack
top ten native costume
AHA Region 4
Champion roadster amateur
Champion English show hack amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle amateur
Memorial Day Mega Show
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten park open
top ten formal combination open
AHA Pacific Slopes Championships
top ten roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle amateur
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
Champion stallions of 2009
Champion grey with bay base
reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old native costume
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
May Limit Show
top ten three gaited pleasure
AHA Buckeye
Champion English show hack amateur
top ten roadster amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle amateur
Rainki Saddleseat Show
Champion three gaited park amateur
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
Champion grey with bay base
Champion eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
reserve champion Straight Egyptian Arabian
reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
top ten stallions of 2009
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten eleven to fifteen year old native costume
Spring Committee Horse Show
top ten Arabian stallions
top ten fine harness
AHA Region 3
top ten eleven to twelve year old stallions
top ten roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle amateur
Spring Premiere Saddlehorse Show
top ten Arabian senior stallions
top ten ladies English sidesaddle open
top ten vintage costume mounted open
top ten best action under saddle open
ET's March Anything and Everything Show
Champion eleven to fifteen year old park
top ten stallions of 2009
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old native costume
top ten grey with bay base
St Patricks Mega Show
reserve champion Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten ten and eleven year old stallions
AHA Region 2
reserve champion ladies English sidesaddle amateur
reserve champion roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
Winter Committee Horse Show
Reserve champion park pleasure
top ten Arabian stallions
top ten fine harness
AHA Qatar International
top ten eleven to twelve year old stallions
ET's February Anything and Everything Show
Reserved champion grey with bay base
top ten eleven to fifteen year old native costume
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
Sweethearts Saddlehorse Show
Champion three gaited pleasure open
top ten best action under saddle open
ET's Belated Fifth Anniversary Show
Champion eleven to fifteen year old three gaited pleasure A
Champion eleven to fifteen year old park harness A
Champion dapple grey B
reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old park harness B
reserve champion eleven to fifteen year old park saddle B
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle A
top ten eleven to fifteen year old three gaited pleasure B
top ten dapple grey A
top ten open horses of 2009 A
top ten stallions of 2009 A
top ten stallions of 2009 liberty B
Valentine's Mega Show
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten park open
top ten park harness open
AHA Scottsdale
top ten eleven and twelve year old stallions
top ten roadster to bike amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
ET's January Anything and Everything Show
Champion stallions of 2009
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old English sidesaddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old native costume
top ten grey with bay base
Snowstorm Mega-Show
Champion ladies English sidesaddle open
Champion English show hack open
top ten native costume
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
New Year's Halter Show
Champion dapple grey
AHA Region 1
reserve champion eleven to twelve year old stallions
top ten roadster amateur
top ten English show hack amateur
top ten ladies English sidesaddle amateur
Lori's Birthday Super Show
Champion ten and eleven year old stallions
reserve champion formal combination open
top ten park open
top ten park harness open
ET's Anything and Everything Championships
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park harness
Happy Holidays Mega Show
Champion ten and eleven year old stallions
Champion Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten park open
top ten park harness open
AHA Aachen Stallion Show
Champion SEA senior stallion liberty
top ten eleven to fourteen year old stallions
top ten senior stallion parade
Thanksgiving Mega Show
champion dapple grey
top ten ten to eleven year old stallions
top ten formal combination open
AHA Solo
reserve champion eleven and twelve year old mares
ET's November Anything and Everything Show
top ten liberty stallions of 2009
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park harness
October Limit Show
Champion park pleasure
ET's October Anything and Everything Show
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park harness
ET's September Anything and Everything Show
Champion eleven to fifteen year old park harness
top ten eleven to fifteen year old park saddle
Labor Day Mega-Show
reserve champion ten and eleven year old stallions
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten park pleasure open
top ten park harness open
top ten formal combination open
Hot Summer Nights Open Show
top ten eleven to thirteen year olds
top ten park pleasure
top ten park harness
Back to School, Maybe Mega-Show
champion park open
champion park harness open
top ten ten and eleven year old stallions
top ten Straight Egyptian Arabian
top ten formal combination open
Mid-Summer open show
top ten park harness
Independence Mega Show
top ten ten and eleven year old stallions
top ten dapple grey