Post by Lori Blake on Apr 13, 2021 14:03:15 GMT -5
HOF Lightning Ridge RPF++
2019 Black Sabino Crabbet Arabian colt
87.625% Crabbet
Sire: HOF Sylvern Gilt DE+++ (Grecian Idyll *Slyvern Idyll X Grecian Gilt* X Sylvette (Yentl Picasso X Meadow View Sara*)
Dam: Black Opal DE (Aur Aquavit *Aur Pride X Royal Night* X Black Ophelia *Belesemo Obsidian X Blue Moon of Leaves*)
retired from saddleseat
HF Points 10,150
AHA Points 537
ETM Expression of Angels - 2022 bay sabino Crabbet Arabian filly out of ETM Expressive Cherub (owned by Shan)
AHA Region Seven
top ten four year old stallions
top ten English show hack junior
AHA Elran Cup
top ten four year old stallions
AHA Region 6
Champion ladies English sidesaddle junior
Champion English show hack junior
top ten four year old stallions
AHA National Crabbet Classic
Champion Crabbet four to six year old stallions
ET's July Anything and Everything Show
top ten four to six year old three gaited pleasure
AHA Region 5
Champion English show hack junior
top ten four year old stallions
top ten native costume junior
AHA Region 4
reserve champion junior stallion
Champion four year old stallions
reserve champion English show hack junior
top ten native costume junior
top ten ladies English sidesaddle junior
Independence Mega-Show
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
Flag Day Mega-Show
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten country pleasure driving junior
top ten country English pleasure junior
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
reserve champion four to six year old country pleasure driving
top ten four to six year old three gaited pleasure
top ten sabino
Mother's Day Mega-Show
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten country English pleasure junior
AHA Buckeye
top ten English show hack junior
top ten native costume junior
AHA Pacific Slopes Championships
top ten English show hack junior
top ten ladies English sidesaddle junior
AHA Region 3
reserve champion English show hack junior
AHA Region 2
reserve champion native costume junior
top ten ladies English sidesaddle junior
AHA Tulip Cup
top ten four year old stallions
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
top ten most classic head Arabian
top ten four to six year old three gaited pleasure
top ten four to six year old country pleasure driving
top ten four to six year old English show hack
top ten sabino
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
top ten four to six year old three gaited pleasure
top ten four to six year old country pleasure driving
top ten four to six year old English show hack
top ten sabino
April Limit Show
Champion three gaited pleasure
Champion country pleasure driving
reserve champion Crabbet Arabian
top ten country English pleasure
St. Patrick's Mega-Show
top ten sabino
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
ET's March Anything and Everything Show
reserve champion four to six year old English sidesaddle
reserve champion sabino
top ten most classic head arabian
top ten four to six year old three gaited pleasure
top ten four to six year old English show hack
ET's February Anything and Everything Show
reserve champion four to six year old three gaited pleasure
top ten four to six year old English show hack
top ten sabino
Valentine's Mega-Show
top ten country English pleasure junior
AHA Scottsdale
Champion native costume junior
top ten Arabian most classic
top ten international four year old stallions
top ten English show hack junior
HFASA Painted I
reserve champion country English pleasure
top ten other painted stallions/geldings
top ten horse country pleasure driving
HFDS January Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian/Half Arabian country pleasure driving junior
AHA Region 1
reserve champion ladies English sidesaddle junior
top ten four year old stallions
top ten English show hack junior
MLK Day Mega-Show
top ten country pleasure driving junior
top ten country English pleasure junior
ET's January Anything and Everything Show
top ten most classic head Arabian
top ten four to six year old three gaited pleasure
top ten four to six year old country pleasure driving
top ten four to six year old English show hack
top ten sabino
Arabian Breeders World Cup
reserve grand champion colt
reserve champion three year old colts
Lori's Birthday Mega Show
reserve champion Crabbet Arabian
reserve champion country English pleasure junior
Christmas Mega-Show
reserve champion English show hack junior
top ten ladies English sidesaddle junior
top ten native/heritage costume junior
top ten country pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
ET's Anything and Everything Championships
Champion three year old country English saddle
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
reserve champion three year old three gaited pleasure
reserve champion best movement 2019
top ten lunge line 2019
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten sabino
Young Horse Association Championships
top ten 2019 colts/geldings lunge line
top ten Domestic/Crabbet Arabian colts/stallions/geldings
top ten country pleasure
HFDF December Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock
YHA November
top ten 2019 colts/geldings in hand
top ten country pleasure
Thanksgiving Mega Show
Champion country English pleasure junior
top ten three year old colts
top ten sabino/dominant white
YHA October
Champion Domestic/Crabbet Arabian colt/geldings
top ten 2019 stallions/geldings in hand
top ten country pleasure
Calia's November Saddleseat Show
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
top ten men's English sidesaddle junior
top ten English sidesaddle junior
HFDS November Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock in hand
ET's November Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old English show hack
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old country English pleasure
top ten lunge line 2020
top ten test movement 2020
top ten Crabbet Arabian
Halloween Mega-Show
Champion country English pleasure open
top ten country pleasure driving open
HFDS October Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock in hand
AHA US Nationals
Champion country English pleasure junior
top ten three year old colts
ET's October Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old country English pleasure
Champion Crabbet Arabian
reserve champion three year old three gaited pleasure
top ten best movement 2019
top ten lunge line 2019
top ten three year old English show hack
top ten sabino/dominant white
AHA Region 7
top ten three year old colts
YHA September
Champion 2019 colts/geldings lunge
top ten Domestic/Crabbet Arabian stallions/geldings
top ten country pleasure
ET's September Anything and Everything show
Champion three year old country pleasure
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
reserve champion Crabbet Arabian
reserve champion sabino
top ten lunge line 2020
top ten best movement 2020
top ten three year old English show hack
HFDS September Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock in hand
HFDS 2022 August Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock in hand
YHA August
top ten country pleasure
Back to School Mega-Show
reserve champion three year old colts
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten informal combination junior
AHA Canadian Nationals
Champion country pleasure driving junior
top ten three year old colts
top ten country English pleasure junior
ET's August Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old English show hack
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old country saddle
reserve champion three year old three gaited pleasure
top ten lunge line 2019
top ten Crabbet Arabian
YHA July
top ten country pleasure
YHA June
top ten country pleasure
top ten country pleasure
YHA April
top ten country pleasure
Windblown Midsummer Classic
top ten Arabian performance halter three to six year old stallions
HFDS 2022 June Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian driving youngstock in hand
AHA Region Six
top ten three year old colts
ET's July Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old country English pleasure
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
reserve champion three year old English show hack
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten sabino/dominant white
July Limit Show
top ten Crabbet Arabian
Independence Mega Show
Champion Crabbet Arabian
top ten country pleasure driving junior
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten informal combination junior
AHA Region 5
top ten country English pleasure junior
HFDS 2022 June Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock
Flag Day Mega Show
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten informal combination junior
AHA Region 4
top ten three year old colts
top ten country English pleasure junior
HFDS May Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old country English saddle
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
top ten lunge line 2019
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten three year old English show hack
AHA Pacific Slopes Championships
Reserve champion colts
Champion three year old colts
top ten country pleasure driving junior
Colorful World Halter Show #2
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten black
Mother's Day Mega Show
tt three year ld clts
tp ten cntry English pleasure junir
tp ten cuntry plesure driving junir
HFDS May Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock in hand
AHA Buckeye
top ten three year old colts
top ten country pleasure driving junior
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
reserve champion three year old country pleasure driving
reserve champion three year old country English pleasure
top ten Crabbet/CMK Arabian
top ten three year old English show hack
Easter Mega Show
Champion country pleasure driving junior
Champion best movement 2019
top ten black
top ten country English pleasure junior
HFDS April Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian driving youngstock in hand
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
reserve champion three year old country English saddle
top ten lunge line 2019
top ten best movement 2019
top ten three year old English show hack
Young Horse Association March
top ten other Arabian
top ten country English pleasure
Young Horse Association February
top ten 2020 colt/gelding lunge
top ten other Arabian
Young Horse Association January
reserve champion 2020 colt/gelding lunge
top ten other Arabian
top ten country English pleasure
HFDS March Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian driving youngstock in hand
St. Patricks Mega-Show
top ten country pleasure driving junior
Super Halter Show #1
Champion half siblings same sire
Champion sabino
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten three year old colts
top ten country pleasure prospect
ET's March Anything and Everything Show
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
Champion best movement 2019
Champion three year old country English saddle
reserve champion three year old English show hack
reserve champion three year old three gaited pleasure
top ten lunge line 2019
C&H Birthday Youngstock Show
Champion country English pleasure futurity
top ten country pleasure driving futurity
AHA Region 2
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
ET's February Anything and Everything Show
Saddleseat division reserve
Champion three year old three gaited pleasure
Champion best movement 2019
reserve champion three year old English show hack
reserve champion three year old country pleasure driving
Reserve champion three year old country English saddle
top ten lunge line 2019
top ten Crabbet Arabian
Valentine's Mega Show
Champion Crabbet Arabian
top ten country English pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
HFDS February Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock in hand
AHA Scottsdale
top ten country pleasure driving junior
HFDS January Driving Exhibition
top ten Arabian youngstock
AHA Region One
top ten Country English pleasure junior
top ten country pleasure driving junior
ET's January Anything and Everything Show
Champion lunge line 2019
Champion three year old English Show Hack
Champion three year old country pleasure driving
reserve champion three year old country English pleasure
reserve champion three year old three gaited pleasure
top ten best movement 2019
top ten Crabbet Arabian
January Limit Show
top ten three year olds
top ten Crabbet Arabian
Lori's Birthday Mega Show
top ten two year old fillies
top ten Crabbet Arabian
top ten country pleasure prospect
December Limit Show
top ten Crabbet Arabian