HOF Dogwood's Outer Banks^^-2002 Blk. Lep Falabella mare *
Jan 4, 2019 19:57:42 GMT -5
Lori Blake likes this
Post by Lori Blake on Jan 4, 2019 19:57:42 GMT -5
HOF Dogwood's Outer Banks^^
2002 Black leopard Falabella mare
Dogwood's Hatteras X Dogwood's Ocracoke
HF Points 10,025
HFPA Points 1520
bred by jessi, adopted from The Committee in January 2019
Brightleaf Sanderling-2021 Black Leopard Falabella colt by Eagle Manor Red Sun Energy
Brightleaf Kinnakeet-2018 Black Pintaloosa colt by HOF Eagle Manor Red Sun Energy
Brighteaf Frisco Pier-2015 Black Pintaloosa gelding by HOF Dogwood's Fairy Dust
ET's August Pony Appreciation
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
Reserve champion mares of 2002
Reserve champion leopard
Reserve champion intermediate obstacle driving
top ten most colorful in hand spotted
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
top ten sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten preliminary driven dressage
ET's August Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion open harness horse in hand
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Reserve champion liberty mares of 2002
Reserve champion sixteen and older park harness
Reserve champion sixteen and older fine harness
top ten mares of 2002
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
top ten eleven and older roadster to bike
ET's August Anything and Everything Show
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Reserve champion mares of 2002
Reserve champion VSE under harness open
top ten sixteen and older roadster to bike
top ten sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten leopard
ET's July Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion sixteen and older fine harness
Champion leopard
Reserve champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Reserve champion sixteen and older park harness
top ten mares of 2002
top ten liberty mares of 2002
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten sixteen and older roadster to bike
C&H Picture Perfect Color Day
top ten leopard
ET's July Pony Appreciation
Open harness performance division reserve
Champion best movement in hand 2003-2002
Champion leopard
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion preliminary driven dressage
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
top ten mares of 2002
top ten liberty mares of 2002
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten open harness horse in hand
ET's July VSE Bonanza
Overall show reserve
Overall performance champion
In hand performance champion
Champion mares of 2002
Champion leopard
Champion sixteen and older under harness in hand
Champion best movement in hand 2003-2002
Champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
Reserve champion intermediate obstacle driving
Reserve champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Reserve champion liberty mares of 2002
Reserve champion park harness horse in hand
Reserve champion most colorful in hand spotted
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
HFPA July Regional
top ten fifteen and older mares
top ten Acclaimed pony open
top ten open pleasure pony
ET's July Anything and Everything Show
Champion VSE under harness open
Champion eleven and older roadster to bike
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten leopard
HFPA June Regional
Reserve champion fifteen and older mares
top ten Acclaimed pony open
top ten open pleasure pony
ET's June Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion sixteen and older park harness
Champion eleven and older roadster to bike
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion mares of 2002
Reserve champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten liberty mares of 2002
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
top ten open harness horse in hand
top ten sixteen and older fine harness
top ten leopard
ET's June Pony Appreciation
Overall show reserve
Overall performance champion
Open harness performance division champion
Champion leopard
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older park harness
reserve champion mares of 2002
reserve champion liberty mares of 2002
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
top ten preliminary driven dressage
ET's June VSE Bonanza
Champion mares of 2002
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion park harness horse in hand
Champion leopard
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
Reserve champion sixteen and older under harness in hand
top ten most colorful in hand spotted
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
Champion mares of 2002
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten eleven and older roadster to bike
top ten sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten VSE under harness open
top ten leopard
ET's May Pony Appreciation
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion leopard
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
Reserve champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Reserve champion preliminary driven dressage
top ten mares of 2002
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
Eagle Talon's May Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion mares of 2002
Champion eleven and older roadster to bike
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion sixteen and over fine harness
Reserve champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten liberty mares of 2002
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
top ten sixteen and older park harness
top ten open harness horse in hand
top ten leopard
May VSE Bonanza
In-hand performance division champion
Filly/mare in-hand/liberty division reserve
Champion mares of 2002
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and over harness in hand
Champion park harness horse in hand
Champion leopard
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
top ten most colorful in hand spotted
top ten lunge line 2003-2002
top ten open pleasure pony
Calia's First Anniversary Event
Reserve champion roadster aged horse
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
Reserve champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten mares of 2002
top ten most colorful spotted
top ten best movement in hand 2003-2002
top ten eleven and older roadster to bike
top ten VSE under harness open
top ten leopard
Spring Premiere
top ten other breed mares
top ten fine harness open
ET's April Pony Appreciation
Champion mares of 2002
Champion leopard
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion sixteen and over pleasure driving
Champion preliminary driven dressage
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
Reserve champion most colorful spotted
Reserve champion lunge line 2003-2002
top ten open harness horse in hand
April Limit Show
top ten fourteen and older
top ten other pony
top ten mares
HFPA April Regional
top ten fifteen and older mares
top ten open pleasure pony
ET's April VSE Bonanza
Champion mares of 2002
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion park harness in hand
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion leopard
Champion sixteen and older under harness in-hand
Champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
Reserve champion lunge line 2003-2002
Reserve champion most colorful spotted
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion eleven and older roadster to bike
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion leopard
top ten mares of 2002
top ten best movement 2003-2002
top ten VSE under harness open
ET's March Pony Appreciation
Champion mares of 2002
Champion liberty mares of 2002
Champion best movement 2003-2002
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion preliminary driven dressage
Champion intermediate obstacle driving
champion sixteen and older park harness
Reserve champion most colorful spotted
Reserve champion lunge line 2003-2002
Reserve champion leopard
top ten open harness horse in hand
HFPA March Regional
top ten fifteen and older mares
top ten open pleasure pony
top ten obstacle driving
ET's March VSE Bonanza
champion mares of 2002
champion liberty mares of 2002
champion park harness in hand
champion sixteen and older under harness
champion leopard
champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
champion intermediate obstacle driving
champion sixteen and older country pleasure driving
reserve champion most colorful spotted
reserve champion lunge line 2003-2002
ET's March Anything and Everything Show
champion best movement 2003-2002
champion liberty mares of 2002
champion eleven and older roadster to bike
reserve champion mares of 2002
top ten sixteen and older pleasure driving
top ten vSE under harness open
top ten leopard
March Limit Show
top ten fourteen and older