Post by Lori Blake on Oct 4, 2022 13:47:14 GMT -5
HOF GSF Silver Chant
2005 Bay Welsh D Mare
GSF Silver Trick Special x GSF Enchantalot
HF Points 10,075
HFPA Points 240
Bred by Kristina of Golden Sunrise Farm, adopted from The Committee in October 2022
Brightleaf Elody-2018 Buckskin Welsh D filly by HOF Phoenix Erlea
ET's July Heavy Breed Celebration
Champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
top ten mares of 2006 and older
August Limit Show
top ten Mountain/moorland pony
top ten pony pleasure driving
ET's July Anything and Everything Show
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
reserve champion advanced obstacle driving
reserve champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
top ten mares of 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten advanced driven dressage
HFPA July Regional
Champion driven dressage
top ten fifteen and up mares
July Limit Show
top ten pony pleasure driving
Independence Mega-Show
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony pleasure open
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
ET's June Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion Welsh D
Champion pony harness
Champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
Champion sixteen and older driven dressage
Champion sixteen and older obstacle driving
top ten mares of 2006 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2006 and older
top ten best movement 2006 and older
top ten lunge line 2006 and older
ET's June Heavy Breed Celebration
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion dark bay
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion pony harness
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion best movement 2006 and older
Champion hunter horse in hand 2019-2013
Champion lunge line 2006 and older
reserve champion open horses of 2006 and older
reserve champion open liberty horses of 2006 and older
top ten mares of 2006 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2006 and older
Fireflies Pony Show
Champion Welsh D
top ten fourteen and older
top ten open pleasure driving
top ten open driven dressage
top ten open obstacle driving
2nd advanced driven dressage test 3
Flag Day Mega-Show
Champion advanced obstacle driving
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten eighteen and older mares
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony pleasure driving open
top ten fifteen and older mares
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
Champion open harness horse 2006 and older
reserve champion advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
top ten liberty mares 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony harness
June Limit Show
top ten Mountain/Moorland ponies
top ten pony pleasure driving
ET's May Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion Welsh D
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
reserve champion mares 2007 and older
top ten liberty mares 2007 and older
top ten pony harness
ET's May Heavy Breed Celebration
Champion pony harness
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion sixteen and older obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older driven dressage
Champion hunter horse in hand 2007 and older
Champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
Champion dark bay
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion open liberty horses of 2006 and older
reserve champion open horses of 2006 and older
Reserve champion mares of 2006 and older
reserve champion lunge line 2006 and older
reserve champion best movement 2006 and older
School's Out Pony Show
reserve champion Welsh D
reserve champion leadline
top ten fourteen and older
top ten open pleasure driving
Mother's Day Mega-Show
Champion advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony pleasure driving open
Champion fifteen and older mares
Champion obstacle driving
top ten driven dressage
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
Champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
reserve champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
top ten liberty mares of 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony harness
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
ET's April Heavy Breed Celebration
Overall in hand reserve
Color in hand division champion
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion mares of 2006 and older
Champion pony harness
Champion dark bay
Champion open horses of 2006 and older
reserve champion open liberty horses of 2006 and older
reserve champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
reserve champion best movement 2006 and older
reserve champion lunge line 2006 and older
top ten hunter horse in hand 2007 and older
ET's April Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
Champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
reserve champion pony harness
top ten mares of 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
Spring Peeps Pony Show
top ten Welsh D
top ten open pleasure driving
HFDF April
2nd advanced dressage test 4
HFDF March
3rd advanced driven dressage test 2
HFPA April Regional
Champion fifteen and older mares
top ten open pleasure pony
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
Champion Welsh D
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion saddleseat horse in hand 2019-2013
top ten pony harness
top ten advanced obstacle driving
top ten advanced driven dressage
ET's March Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion open harness horse in hand 2007 and older
Champion mares of 2006 and older
Champion lunge line 2006 and older
reserve champion best movement 2006 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony harness
ET's March Heavy Breed Celebration
Overall show champion
Overall in-hand champion
Champion pony harness
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champion sixteen and older pleasure driving
Champion open horses of 2006 and older
Champion mares of 2006 and older
Champion hunter horse in hand 2006 and older
Reserve champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
reserve champion open liberty horses of 2006 and older
reserve champion best movement 2006 and older
reserve champion lunge line 2006 and older
reserve champion dark bay
April Limit Show
top ten pony pleasure driving
St. Patrick's Mega-Show
Champion advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
top ten eighteen and older mares
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony pleasure driving open
ET's March Anything And Everything Show
Champion Welsh B
Champion pony harness
Champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
reserve champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
top ten mare 2006 and older
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
ET's February Heavy Breed Celebration
overall in hand reserve
open horse in hand division champion
Champion mares of 2006 and older
Champion dark bay
Champion advanced driven dressage
Champin pny harne
Champiln ixteen and lder pleaure drivin
Champion open horses of 2006 and older
Champion lunge line 2006 and older
reserve champion best movement 2006 and older
reserve champion open horses of 2006
reserve champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
reserve champion hunter horse in hand 2006 and older
ET's February Rare Breed Exhibition
Champion advanced obstacle driving
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
Champin advanced driven dressage
Champion sixteen and lder pleaure driving
Champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
reserve champion best movement 2006 and older
top ten lunge line 2006 and older
top ten mares of 2006 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony harness
ET's February Anything and Everything Show
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
reserve champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony harness
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
Sweethearts Pony Show
Champion open pleasure driving
top ten open obstacle driving
Valentine's Mega-Show
reserve champion pony pleasure driving open
top ten eighteen and older mares
top ten Welsh D
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
HFPA February Regional
Champion fifteen and older mares
Snowflake Pony Show
reserve champion open pleasure driving
top ten Welsh D
top ten open driven dressage
MLK Day Mega-Show
Champion advanced obstacle driving
reserve champion Welsh D
top ten eighteen and older stallions
top ten advanced driven dressage
ET's January Anything and Everything Show
Champion liberty mares of 2006 and older
Champion sixteen and older reinsmanship
reserve champion open harness horse in hand 2006 and older
top ten mares 2006 and older
top ten Welsh D
top ten pony harness
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten advanced obstacle driving
HFPA January Regional
Champion fifteen and older mares
top ten driven dressage
Lori's Birthday Mega Show
Champion pony pleasure driving open
reserve champion advanced obstacle driving
top ten advanced driven dressage
top ten Welsh C and D