Post by Lori Blake on Jul 2, 2020 14:38:36 GMT -5
HOF Shahzadi DE++
2005 Bay Egyptian Related Arabian Mare
Sire: DA Khandahar (DA Esstaan *Esstem X Al Zahrah* X Ravenna *Vympel X Rawayeh*) (RL lines)
Dam: Xtreme Wonder (The Elixir *Hi-Fashion Mreekh X Jaliya* X Lenore Moniet *Thee Desperado X Mimmoniet*)
HF Points 10,295
AHA Points 596
Money Earned $128,000
sport horse type
Created by Chay, adopted from The Committee in July 2020
Amaranth RPF-2020 Bay Arabian filly by HOF Heru GR++++
Rock the Kasbah RPF-2019 Bay Arabian gelding by HOF TV Velage++++
Undine DE-2017 Grey Arabian filly by WA Ever After
Saiph DE-2016 Bay Arabian colt by WA Altair
Vulpekula DE-2015 Black Arabian filly by Cryptik Moon DE
Phantasos DE-2014 Bay Arabian colt by Daydream OS++
AHA Egyptian Nationals
Champion ERA eleven and up mares
AHA Emerald Egyptian Event
reserve champion ERA eleven and up mares
AHA European Championship
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
AHA US Nationals
reserve champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
AHA Egyptian Event Europe
Champion ERA eleven and up mares
AHA Region 7
reserve champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
ET's September Anything and Everything show
Champion open horses of 2005 and older
reserve champion lunge line 2005 and older
top ten best movement 2005 and older
top ten liberty open horses of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
HFERA Oceania Championships
Best Condition 100 mile Whareama Run
3rd 100 mile Whereama Run
top ten endurance mares seven and up
top ten Arabian/Half Arabian mares seven and up
AHA All Nations Cup
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
AHA Egyptian Classic Cup
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
Labor Day Mega-Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
top ten Domestic Arabian
September Limit Show
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
AHA Emerald Trophy
Champion eleven and up ERA mares
Back to School Mega-Show
reserve champion sixteen and seventeen year old mares
AHA Canadian Nationals
Champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
ET's August Anything and Everything Show
Champion open liberty horses of 2005 and older
Champion best movement 2005 and older
reserve champion endurance horse in hand 2007 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten open horses of 2005
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
Windblown Midsummer Classic
reserve champion Arabian senior mare
reserve champion Arabian liberty
AHA Region 6
Champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
AHA Lux Arabian Show
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
ET's July Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse 2007 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
top ten open horses of 2005 and older
top ten open liberty horses of 2005 and older
top ten best movement 2005 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
AHA Blommerod International Show
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
Independence Mega Show
Champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
top ten bay
AHA Region 5
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
Flag Day Mega Show
reserve champion sixteen and seventeen year old mares
top ten bay
AHA Region 4
top ten seventeen and nineteen year old mares
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
Misc in hand division reserve
Champion best movement 2005 and older
reserve champion endurance horse in hand 2005 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
top ten open horses of 2005 and odler
top ten open liberty horses of 2005 and older
AHA Pacific Slopes Championships
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
Colorful World Halter Show #2
reserve champion Endurance horse in hand
reserve champion seventeen to nineteen year olds
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
top ten lunge line seventeen to nineteen year olds
Champion 100 mile AHA Leatherwood Mountain Challenge
4th 100 mile AHA Leatherwood Mountain Challenge
top ten Arabian mares 7 and up
AHA Sharjah International Show
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
Mother's Day Mega Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
AHA Buckeye
Champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
Discipline in hand division reserve
champion endurance horse in hand 2007 and older
reserve champion best movement 2005 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005
top ten open horses of 2005 and older
top ten open liberty horses of 2005 and older
AHA Tulip Cup
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
Easter Mega Show
top ten eighteen and older mares
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
top ten bay
AHA Region 3
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2007 and older
top ten open horses of 2005 and older
top ten open liberty horses of 2005 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten best movement 2005 and older
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
April Limit Show
top ten fourteen and older
AHA Dubai International
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
St. Patricks Mega-Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
Super Halter Show #1
reserve champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
top ten endurance horse in hand
top ten bay
ET's March Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2007 and older
reserve champion liberty mares of 2005 and older
reserve champion open horses of 2005 and older
reserve champion lunge line 2005 and older
top ten best movement 2005 and older
top ten open liberty horses of 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
AHA Region 2
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mares
March Limit Show
top ten fourteen and older
HFERA Middle East Championships
Best conditioned 100 mile Riyadh run first year
1st 100 mile Riyadh run first year
top ten endurance mares 7 and up
top ten Arabian/Half Arabian mares 7 and up
AHA Qatar International
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
ET's February Anything and Everything Show
Champion open horses of 2005 and older
Champion best movement 2005 and older
reserve champion endurance horse in hand 2007 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten open liberty horses of 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
Valentine's Mega Show
Champion sixteen and seventeen year old mares
AHA Scottsdale
Champion seventeen to nineteen year old mares
AHA Region One
top ten seventeen to nineteen year old mare
ET's January Anything and Everything Show
Champion open horses 2005 and older
Champion endurance horse in hand 2007 and older
top ten open liberty horses 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
top ten lunge line 2005 and older
top ten best movement 2005 and older
RSF Age Appropriate Show #4
top ten eight and older in hand
top ten eight and older lunge line
top ten race/endurance type in hand
Lori's Birthday Mega Show
reserve champion fourteen and fifteen year old mares
reserve champion blood bay
ET's Anything and Everything Championship
Champion endurance horse in hand 2005 and older A and B
top ten mares of 2005 and older B
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older A
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older B
AHA Salon du Cheval
top ten fifteen to sixteen year old mares
Riverside Farm Age Appropriate Show #3
reserve champion ten and older mares in hand
top ten fourteen and older in hand
top ten fourteen and older lunge line
AHA Egyptian Nationals
reserve champion ERA eleven and up mares
AHA Arabian Breeders World Cup
Champion fifteen and up mares
ET's November Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse 2006 and older
reserve champion mares of 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
AHA Solo
Champion fifteen to sixteen year old mares
AHA Emerald Egyptian Event
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
AHA Emerald Egyptian Event
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
Halloween Mega Show
Champion blood bay
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
Snowforest Endurance Series #10
Best condition 75 mile race Arabians
3rd 75 mile race Arabians
RSF Age Appropriate Show #2
top ten eight and older in hand
top ten mare lunge line
top ten racing/endurance type in hand
top ten racing/endurance type lunge
AHA European Championships
reserve champion fifteen and sixteen year old mares
AHA US Nationals
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
AHA Egyptian Event Europe
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
October Limit Show
reserve champion Egyptian Related Arabian
ET's October Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2005 and older
Champion mares of 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older liberty
AHA Region Seven
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
Snowforest Endurance Series #9
3rd 75 mile race Arabians
RSF September Age Appropriate In hand Show
Type division reserve
Champion thirteen and up mares lunge line
reserve champion endurance type in hand
top ten endurance type liberty
top ten endurance type lunge
top ten thirteen and up mares in hand
top ten thirteen and up mares liberty
top ten fifteen and older in hand
top ten fifteen and older lunge line
top ten fifteen and older liberty
Summers End Mega Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
top ten Egyptian Related Arabian
ET's September Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2006 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
AHA Sport Horse Nationals
Champion Arabian senior mares liberty
AHA Egyptian Classic Cup
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
Snowforest Endurance Series #8
4th 75 mile race Arabians
top ten Arabian Senior mares
Back to School Mega-Show
Champion sixteen and seventeen year old mares
ERA Tevis Cup
2nd Tevis Cup 100 mile
top ten mares 6 and up
top ten Arabian/Half Arabian
ET's August Anything and Everything Show
reserve champion mares of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
top ten endurance horse in hand 2006 and older
Eagle Talon's Sixth Anniversary Show
reserve champion liberty mares of 2005 and older A
reserve champion endurance horse in hand 2006 and older B
top ten endurance horse in hand 2006 and older A
top ten mares of 2005 and older A
top ten mares of 2005 and older B
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older B
AHA Elran Cup
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
AHA Emerald Cup
top ten ERA eleven and up mares
AHA Canadian Nationals
top ten Arabian senior mare liberty
Independence Mega Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
Snowforest Endurance Series 7
11th 75 mile race Arabians
AHA LUX Arabian Show
reserve champion ERA eleven and up mares
AHA Region 5
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
WEG Qualifier June
4th 75 mile one day
Colorful World Halter Show
top ten fifteen and older mares
ET's June Anything and Everything Show
reserve champion mares of 2005 and older
reserve champion endurance horse 2006 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
Flag Day Mega Show
Champion sixteen and seventeen year old mares
top ten blood bay
Snowforest Endurance Series #6
8th 75 mile race Arabians
AHA Region 4
top ten fifteen to sixteen year old mares
Memorial Day Mega Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mare
ET's May Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
Snowforest Endurance Series #5
8th 75 mile Arabians
reserve champion Arabian senior mares
ET's April Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse 2006 and older
AHA Region 3
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
AHA Region 2
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
AHA Dubai International
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
ET's March Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2005 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
C&H Birthday Endurance Meet
1st 100 mile AHA Sand Ridge
top ten endurance mares seven and up
AHA Region 2
top ten fifteen and sixteen year old mares
AHA Qatar International
top ten fifteen to sixteen year old mares
ET's February Anything and Everything Show
Champion endurance horse in hand 2006 and older
top ten mares of 2005 and older
WEG Qualifier February
1st 99 mile one day
Snowforest Endurance Meet #2
top ten Arabian senior mares
ET's Belated Fifth Anniversary Show (2 judge show)
Champion mares of 2005 and older B
Champion open horses of 2005 and older B
Champion endurance horse 2006 and older B
reserve champion mares of 2005 and older A
top ten endurance horse 2006 and older A
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older A
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older B
top ten open horses of 2005 and older A
top ten bay B
Valentine's Mega Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
top ten mixed line Arabian
AHA Scottsdale
reserve champion fifteen and sixteen year old mares
ET's January Anything and Everything Show
champion mares of 2005 and older
Champion endurance horse in hand 2006 and older
top ten liberty mares of 2005 and older
Snowforest Endurance #1
Champion Arabian senior mares
Snowstorm Mega-Show
top ten sixteen and seventeen year old mares
AHA Region 1
top ten fifteen to sixteen year old mares
top ten fifteen to sixteen year old lunge line
Lori's Birthday Super Show
top ten fourteen and fifteen year old mares
top ten blood bay